Video Review!

They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Well what about a thousand pictures? Over the last three weeks I’ve had experienced some amazing adventures and have life long memories as a result. I’ve assembled some review videos to give a peek into the different chapters of my journey. Chapter 1: Zambia. Chapter 2:…


I had been in Africa for 17 days when it was time for me to journey home. I was definitely ready! But since my flight itinerary routed me home though Turkey and I had a 9 hour layover, it was time for one last adventure before returning to the States. And so Hello Istanbul! When…

1 million souls

My last two days in Ghana were spent down on the coast in a fishing town called Elmina. In many ways Elmina is a tropical paradise. Located on the southern edge of the country bordering the Atlantic Ocean, it is lush with coconut palm trees that line a deserted beach front littered with old hand…

Street eats

Ghana has lots of great food everywhere. And as a follow up to the Zambian grocery store post, I thought you might like to see the meat on the street! In the village you might have to catch your supper. And take my word for it, these chickens aren’t easy to wrangle! Maybe that’s why…

Crank up the music…Let’s have church!

What began 8 months earlier at Christmas time, was finally here. It all started with a band of Christians meeting under a tree in a predominantly Muslim village. This band of believers are a devout bunch committed to serving Jesus with all they are. Their light must have been shining brightly because the local chief,…

Good Morning Campers!

One of the primary purposes for our journey to Tamale, pronounced with a soft ‘A’ and the emphasis on the Tam, was to conduct a youth camp for young people in the region. Based out of Oasis of Life Church, pastored by Bishop Amoto, we invited youth from Tamale and the surrounding villages to 3…

Hello Ghana

Hello Ghana It was quite the adventure to get here, but now that I have arrived I want to be sure to embrace all that the next 10 days held for me. Kenya airways is behind me and a new adventure lay ahead. My first two days in Ghana were spent in the country’s Capitol,…


Sometimes things on the journey get tough. Whether it’s a journey from Zambia to Ghana, or your journey to the next thing God has for you. The truth is struggles are inevitable. Not only that struggles are beneficial. You don’t grown when everything is easy. You blossom through adversity. The story of the butterfly teaches…

Grocery shopping!

Since I’m flying overnight to Ghana via Kenya and won’t have internet access I thought I’d throw up a quick bonus post. I’ve always believed you could get a good picture of a culture by the food that they eat and where they get it. Zambia has proven to be a mixture of subcultures balanced…

Overnight in Crocodile Village

If a Zambian ever says, “We close now, not far, be there soon”, don’t believe him. Mesach a local church planter that Chris, my host missionary is friends with was taking us out to a rural village to help construct a church building for the residents to hold services in. He told me when we…

Hotel from Hell

Hotel From Hell.  Warning: not my finest hour.  We’ve been on the road for a little over 3 weeks. Over the course of that time we’ve stayed in a couple of nice clean hotels, in the beautiful homes of several of our friends and a fabulous spacious condo. We have slept blissfully in exquisitely comfortable…